Our work relies on the dedication of volunteers who support our programs by:
Adapted Aquatics is a learn to swim program for children and adults with disabilities. Volunteers will work one-on-one with participants in the water to strengthen and develop basic swim skills. Volunteers must be strong swimmers, comfortable in the water and enthusiastic about helping people learn.
Email trinfo@arlingtonva.us for more information.
Get started, by registering as a volunteering with Arlington County. Register Here!
Therapeutic Recreation Office Lubber Run Community Center 300 N. Park Dr. Arlington, VA 22203
Office: 703-228-4740 Fax: 703-228-0557 TTY: 711 Email:TRinfo@arlingtonva.us
Meet Our Staff We're Hiring! Volunteer Opportunities TR Internships Instructors Wanted Specifically beginner art, dance, fitness, sports, crafting, aquatics or other recreation offerings.