Online Until Help Arrives Courses

Until Help Arrives (UHA) training courses teach you to help yourself and others in emergencies like mass shootings while waiting for first responders. You'll save lives and be the help until help arrives.

Find the online UHA training modules below that describe preventable causes of death and skills to save lives. Completion of all three (3) online modules is required prior to attending the UHA Hands-On PracticePlease note that some course content contains graphic images.

Module 1: Bystander Role, Mental Preparedness, 4R’s Intro

Module 2: Stopping Bleeding; Tourniquets, Wound Packing & Pressure Dressing

Module 3: Protecting the Airway & Breathing, Preventing Shock & Hypothermia, Calling 911


Sign Up for UHA Training

All ages 14+ are welcome to attend FREE Until Help Arrives training. Two types of UHA courses are available--the full course and a hands-on practice.

Learn more and register for UHA.