Area Agency on Aging

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) were established under the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans 60 and over in every local community. There are 622 AAAs around the country.

In Arlington, the AAA is part of the Arlington County Department of Human Services’ Aging and Disability Services Division. The goal of the AAA is to promote the maximum level of independence of persons 60 and older, and to ensure that older Arlington residents live as an integral part of society, with dignity and with access to programs and services that meet their needs and preferences.

AAA-Funded Services

The Area Agency on Aging provides funding to these services:

If you or someone that you know is age 60 and older, a person with disabilities or caregivers please connect with the Arlington Aging and Disability Services Intake team at 703-228-1700, or visit our offices Monday-Friday at 2100 Washington Blvd. 4th Floor, Arlington, VA 22204.

AAA-Quick Form for Services

Arlington AAA Quick Form

Commission on Aging

The Agency on Aging also provides staff support to the Arlington Commission on Aging, Age-Friendly Arlington and Dementia Friendly Arlington Initiatives. Read more: