SP #90 JBGSmith to construct approximately 84,000 sq. ft. of additional office and retail/commercial uses on east side of block in C-O zoning district under ACZO §15.5, §7.13. Property is approximately 15 acres, located at 1550 Crystal Dr. and 251 18th St. S. (RPC#: 34-020-248 through -251, -253, -254; 34-026-033). The proposed density is approximately 3.4 FAR. Modifications of Zoning Ordinance requirements include: Parking number, parking space and drive aisle dimensions, compact parking space percentage, exclusions from gross floor area for underground arcades and below-grade storage, and other modifications as necessary to achieve proposed development plan. Applicable Policies: Crystal City Sector Plan, General Land Use Plan ““High” Office-Apartment-Hotel (up to 3.8 FAR office, commercial and hotel, up to 4.8 FAR residential) and Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District (CCCRD).
SUBJECT: Vacation of: 1) two portions of the Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes for 15th St. South, one portion located on the northwest corner of Parcel 2, Crystal Square, and the other portion located on the northeast corner of Parcel 2, Crystal Square, at the intersection of 15th St. South and Crystal Drive; 2) the portion of an Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes running east to west from Crystal Drive through Parcel 2, Crystal Square to Parcel 1-A, Crystal Square; and 3) a portion of the Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes for Crystal Drive on the southeast side of Parcel 2, Crystal Square, all located on RPC #34-020-248, with conditions.
GP-341-17-1 From “Low-Medium” Residential (16-36 Units/Acre) to “High-Medium” Residential Mixed-Use (Up to 3.24 FAR with associated office and retail activities) for the middle one third of the several blocks generally bound by Fairfax Dr. to the south, N. Vermont St. to the west, 11th St. N. to the north, and N. Randolph St. to the east and to include GLUP Note 25 to provide additional guidance on the overall vision for the desired neighborhood transition along 11th St. N.
Z-2600-17-1 NVR, Inc. Rezoning from R-5, One Family and Restricted Two Family Dwelling District to R-C, Multiple-Family Dwelling and Commercial District; for the property known as 1031 N. Vermont St. and 4400 11th St. N. (RPC #14-017-005, -018, -006).
SP #447 NVR, Inc., for a 60-unit residential building and 14 townhouse-style units (South Block) and 12 townhouse units (North Block) in R-C, Multiple-Family Dwelling and Commercial District and the R15-30T, Townhouse Dwelling District under ACZO §7.3, §5.8, §15.5; located at 1031 N. Vermont St. and 4400 11th St. N. (RPC #’s 14-018-001, -002, -070 and #14-017-005, -006, -018). The proposed density is 27.9 units per acre (North Block) and 2.76 FAR (South Block). Modification of zoning standards: density exclusions for below-grade spaces and vertical shafts; visitor parking; and all other modifications necessary to achieve the proposed development.
SUBJECT: Vacation of an Easement for Public Utilities over a Vacated Alley Parcel, located on 11th St. North Abutting the Easterly Boundary Lines of Lots 40, 41, 42 and 43-C, West Ballston, Arlington, Virginia, such Parcel also identified as RPC# 14-017-018, with Conditions.