April 2021 - Legal Notices



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on April 5, 2021 in a virtual meeting at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing. The public may attend the virtual meeting via live stream at www.arlingtonva.us, YouTube and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40.  To speak at the virtual meeting, visit https://commissions.arlingtonva.us/planning-commission/ or call 703-228-0095 between 8am and 5pm starting the week before the meeting; and  

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE COUNTY BOARD OF ARLINGTON CO., VA, on April 17, 2021 in a virtual meeting at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as matters may be heard, will consider the following cases, after offering the public an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing.  The public may attend the virtual meeting via live stream at www.arlingtonva.us and local cable stations on Comcast 25 & 1085 and Verizon FiOS 39 & 40.  To speak at the virtual meeting, visit www.countyboard.arlingtonva.us or call 703-228-3130 between 8am and 5pm starting the week before the meeting;

NOTE: Copies of proposed plans, ordinances, amendments and applications, and related planning case materials may be examined in the Zoning Office, Suite 1000; or text of proposed County Code amendments in County Board Clerk’s Office, Suite 300; 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA, 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. weekdays. The term Site Plan in this notice refers to Special Exception in County Zoning Ordinance and is not the same as an engineering site plan or construction plans submitted in satisfaction of other codes or ordinances.  The terms ACZO and GLUP means Arlington County Zoning Ordinance and General Land Use Plan, respectively.


ZOA-2021-01  An ordinance to amend, reenact, and recodify ACZO Sections §12.3.7 & §15.5.9 to enable the County Board to modify the maximum building height standard for multifamily residential development in the RA14-26, RA8-18, & RA6-15 zoning districts through its site plan review authority to approve up to 60 additional feet in building height for projects which 1) either provide 100% of the dwellings as low- or moderate-income housing or provide a lesser percentage when the Board finds that the project is overall consistent with the County’s Affordable Housing Master Plan, and 2) for projects which have a site layout and building heights that have been designed to establish effective transitions to lower density residential neighborhoods; to remove prohibitions for height modification in §12.3.7 beyond the maximum heights listed in that section; and to make other editorial changes to improve clarity.

Z-2625-21-1-HD  Consideration of adoption of an ordinance pursuant  to ACZO §11.3 to designate an Arlington Historic District Overlay for a portion of the Febrey-Lothrop Estate located at 6407 Wilson Boulevard (RPC #s 12-007-043, 12-007-042, 12-007-001, & 12-007-044), as recommended by the Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board (HALRB) in its findings dated January 27, 2021, consisting of approximately 7.3 acres of the 9.5-acre site, including all improvements thereon, without the adoption of historic district design guidelines due to the risk of damage or destruction of historic resources. This ordinance would make the aforesaid portion of the property subject to Historic District regulations in ACZO §11.3.

SP# 445 1555 Wilson Property Owner, LLC and West Rosslyn Development Ground Lessee, LLC for a temporary conversion of up to 100 units from residential use to hotel use and a modification to the hotel parking ratio in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 118,311 sq. ft.; located at 1555 Wilson Blvd and 1788 North Pierce St. (RPC# 16-033-008, -009, -010, -011, -012, -013, -014, -016, -017, -018, -021, & -022).  The approved density is 10.0 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modification of hotel parking ratio from 0.7 spaces per hotel unit to 0.5 spaces per hotel unit and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Western Rosslyn Coordinated Redevelopment District (GLUP Note #2).

U-3436-16-1 2400 Columbia Pike, LLC to Amend U-3436-16-1 to facilitate architectural and site design modifications, that would result in the addition of 6,500 sf GFA and 15 residential units in the C-2 zoning district under ACZO §11.1. Property is approximately [56,114] sq. ft.; located at 2400 Columbia Pike (RPC# 32-001-035, -037, -038, -039, -040, -051, & -056).  Applicable Policies: Columbia Pike Form Based Code.


Subject: Ordinance of Encroachment to Permit the Encroachment of Portions of a Fence, Bollards, Grounding Wire, and Emergency Ingress/Egress Gate on Property Owned by the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, Located on South Eads Street, Arlington, Virginia (RPC No. 37-037-065), with Conditions.

Subject: Approval and Acceptance of an Easement for Public Street and Utilities Purposes on property known as Lot 81 – B, Section 2 Tara, RPC #09-016-085.

Subject: Ordinances of Vacation to vacate: 1) the eastern portion of a 11.4 foot wide public alley running in a northerly direction from North Fairfax Drive and abutting Lots 38 through 43 and Part of Lot 44, Block 2, Center Ballston, on the east, such lots also known as 4201 Fairfax Drive, RPC #14-024-017, with conditions; and 2) a portion of Old Clements Avenue running from a point beginning at the northwest corner of the intersection of North Fairfax Drive and N. Stafford Street and running along an arc in a westerly direction to the southeast corner of Part of Lot 44, Center Ballston, Block 2, then running north on a line abutting Part of Lot 44 through Lot 38, Center Ballston, Block 2, on the west side of the area to be vacated and Remainder Center Ballston on the east side of the area to be vacated, then east along the northern boundary of Remainder Center Ballston and then to the north along the eastern boundaries of Lot 39 and Lot 38, Center Ballston, Block 2, also known as 4201 Fairfax Drive, RPC #14-024-017, with conditions.

Subject: Enactment of an Ordinance to Permit the Encroachment of a Portion of a Rainwater Capture Cistern into the County Public Access Easement on Parcel “A”, Birch’s Crossroads, along the Southerly Side of such Parcel, on Property Known as 4245 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, Virginia (RPC# 14-021-022), with conditions.

Subject: Acceptance and Approval of a Deed of Temporary Easement and Construction Agreement for 5001-5041 Columbia Pike, Part Parcel C, Section One, Columbia Terrace, RPC #22-014-001, related to the Columbia Pike Multi-Modal Utility Undergrounding and Street Improvement Project.


SP# 65 ML Century I LLC and ML Century II LLC to reconfigure retail frontage with a change in GFA, incorporation of a new plaza, streetscape improvements and landscaping, and to add tenant storage space in garage levels, in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 87,120 sq. ft.; located at 2450 Crystal Drive and 2461 S. Clark Drive (RPC# 34-020-032 and 34-020-034, -035).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: parking and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel, Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District (GLUP Note #1).

SP #71 BT 2300 9th LLC to renovate existing office building, reconfigure site circulation, and create new plaza in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, §15.5. Property is approximately 41,580 sq. ft.; located at 2300 9th Street S. (RPC# 25-017-044). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District.

SP# 153 McLean Bible School to allow the conversion of approximately 14,500 square feet of office GFA to a religious institutional use in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 186,184 sq. ft.; located at 1310 & 1320 North Courthouse Road (RPC# 18-003-108; 18-003-024, 025, 026, 112, 113).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Office-Apartment-Hotel and Public; Courthouse Square Special District.

SP# 213 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to hotel use for up to five (5) years in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.14 & §15.5. Property is approximately 100,045 sq. ft.; located at 4001 Ninth St. N. (RPC# 14-045-008).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Coordinated Mixed-Use Development.

SP# 220 Rock and Roll DC Metro, LLC to convert approximately 4,391 sq. ft. of restaurant gross floor area to a childcare center on the ground floor of 2500 Wilson Blvd. office building in the C-O-1.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.11 & §15.5. Property is approximately 5,486 sq. ft. (the facility is approximately 4,391 sq. ft.); located at 2500, 2514, 2522, 2530  Wilson Boulevard (RPC #18-007-006,-008, -009, -010, -011, -012, -021, -022, -029, and -030). Applicable Polices: GLUP Office-Apartment-Hotel “Low”.

SP# 242 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to hotel use for up to five (5) years in the RA-H-3.2 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.5 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 150,162 sq. ft.; located at 1200 N. Veitch St. (RPC# 18-003-111). Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “High” Residential.

SP# 386 SCD 3901 Fairfax LLC to amend Condition #15(i) to change the design of the paving treatment on 10th Street, amend Condition #21 related to bioretention, and remove a 5-foot section of the projecting fin wall from the north façade of the building in the C-O-2.5 Mixed-Use zoning district under ACZO §7.12, §15.5. Property is approximately 43,524 sq. ft.; located at 3901 Fairfax Drive (RPC# 14-030-059). Applicable Policies: GLUP “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel and Virginia Square Sector Plan.

SP# 416 Dittmar Company for a temporary conversion of up to 25 units from residential use to hotel use for up to five (5) years in the MU-VS zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.8 & §15.5.  Property is approximately 107,428 sq. ft.; located at 3444 Fairfax Drive (RPC# 14-035-028, -029).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: Other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed-Use.

SP# 418 KBSIII 3003 Washington LLC to permit modification of current window transparency requirements in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 39,967 sq. ft.; located at 3001 and 3003 Washington Boulevard (RPC# 18-026-012, -013).  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed Use, Clarendon Revitalization District (GLUP Note #12).

SP# 438 The Shooshan Company to lower the building height, reduce the residential parking ratio, and modify the entrances of the ground floor units and entrances for Building 1 of the Clarendon West development in the C-3 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.19, & §15.5.  Property is approximately 149,957 sq. ft.; located at 1126, 1200, & 1220 N. Hudson Street; 1229, 1237, 1125, 1205, & 1123 N. Irving Street; 3251 & 3275 Washington Boulevard; and 1227 & 1239 N. Ivy Street (RPC# 15-078-024; -006; -022; -010; -021; -011; -012; 15-079-008; -003; 15-075-012; -011; -018; -020; -017; -008; -019; -007; -016; -014; -013; and those portions of County streets and street/utility easements vacated pursuant to Instrument Number 20190100007836).  The approved density is 3.87 FAR.  Modifications of zoning ordinance requirements include: modification of parking ratio and other modifications as necessary to achieve the proposed development plan.  Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium Density Mixed Use, Clarendon Revitalization District (GLUP Note 12).


SP220-U-21-1 Rock and Roll DC Metro, LLC for a childcare center for up to 58 children under ACZO §7.1, §7.11 & §15.4. Property is approximately 5,486 sq. ft. (the facility is approximately 4,391 sq. ft.); located at 2500, 2514, 2522, 2530 Wilson Boulevard (RPC #18-007-006, -008, -009, -010, -011, -012, -021, -022, -029, and -030). Applicable Polices: GLUP Office-Apartment-Hotel “Low”.

SP105-U-21-1 National Landing BID for an open-air market in the C-O 2.5 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.12, §12.5.17, & §15.4.  Property is approximately 74,550 sq. ft.; located at 1221 and 1301 South Fern Street (RPC# 35-003-007, 008).  Applicable Policies: GLUP: ¾ “High-Medium” Residential and ¼ “Medium” Office-Apartment-Hotel and designated a “Coordinated Development District” (GLUP Note 4).

Open Air Market License Agreement between the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, as Licensor, and National Landing Business Improvement District, Inc., a Virginia corporation, as Licensee, and CLPF Metropolitan Two Venture, L.P., as Owner, for Operation of a Farmer's Market on a County Public Use and Public Access Easement, located at 1221 and 1301 S. Fern St., Arlington, Virginia (RPC# 35-003-007 and -008).



SP161-U-19-1 Primrose School of Arlington for a childcare center for up to 184 children under ACZO §7.1, §7.12 & §15.4. Property is approximately 102,386 sq. Ft. (the facility is approximately 20,904 sq. Ft.); located at 2107 Wilson Boulevard (RPC# 16-030-024). Applicable Policies: GLUP Medium-Office-Apartment-Hotel and GLUP Colonial Village Coordinated Preservation and Development District. 

SP269-U-19-1 The Bronson for live entertainment and outdoor café within a public easement area in the C-O-A zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.14, §12.9.15, §15.5.  Property is approximately 39,770 sq. ft.; located at 4100 Fairfax Dr. (RPC# 14-046-025).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Coordinated Mixed-Use Development District; GLUP Note #6; Ballston Sector Plan.


SP-386-U-18-1 CBG Building Co. for an off-site contractor storage and staging yard in the C-O-2.5 zoning district under ACZO §12.10.3.  Property is approximately 43,524 sq. ft.; located at 3901 Fairfax Dr. (RPC# 14-030-059).  Applicable Policies: GLUP High-Medium Residential Mixed-Use; Virginia Square Sector Plan.


U-3381-14-1 Ana’s Kids for childcare center for up to 43 children in the C-1-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.9, §15.4.  Property is approximately 11,200 sq. ft.; located at 2201 and 2205 S. Fern Street (RPC #36-018-013, 012).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District


SP #125 China Garden Restaurant for live entertainment and dancing in the C-O zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.13, §15.4. Property is approximately 60,000 sq. ft.; located at 1100 Wilson Blvd. (RPC# 17-001-010). Applicable Policies: GLUP High Office-Apartment-Hotel.

SP #360 R15, LLC for outdoor seating in the C-O-1.0 zoning district under ACZO §7.1, §7.10, §12.9.13, §12.9.15, §15.5. Property is approximately 70,000 sq. ft.; located at 3800 Lee Highway (RPC# 06-026-052). Applicable Policies: GLUP Commercial and Industrial – Service Commercial, Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District.

U-2500-86-6 Congregation Etz Hayim for an existing preschool in the R-6 zoning district under ACZO §5.1, §5.6, §15.4. Property is approximately 19,513 sq. ft.; located at 2920 Arlington Blvd; and is identified as RPC# 24-007-015.  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low” Residential (1-10 units per acre).

U-3332-12-2 William Jeffery’s Tavern for live entertainment and dancing, as well as an outdoor café in a public easement in the C-1 and C-2 zoning districts under ACZO §7.1, §7.7, §7.17, §12.9.14.B, §15.4. Property is approximately 57,760 sq. ft. (entire development area); located at 2301 Columbia Pike (Suite 100) (RPC# 25-017-098).  Applicable Policies: GLUP Service Commercial; Columbia Pike Special Revitalization District (GLUP Note #8); Columbia Pike Initiative: A Revitalization Plan (2005).

U-3421-15-1 Arlington County School Board for secondary parking at Fairlington Villages Community Center parking lot for Abingdon Elementary School in the RA14-26 zoning district under ACZO §6.1, §6.2, §15.4.  Property is approximately 81,473 sq. ft.; located at 3001 and 30055 S. Abingdon St. (RPC# 29-013-PCA).  Applicable Policies: GLUP “Low-Medium” Residential.

Kendra Jacobs, Clerk to the County Board

Publication dates March 23, 2021 & March 30, 2021