Arlington’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy prohibits discrimination against all parties in the workplace. It ensures that all job applicants — regardless of race, gender or ethnicity — have a fair opportunity in the hiring process, as well as in competing for promotions and accessing professional development opportunities. The Policy is specifically designed to increase the representation of minorities and women at all levels in the Arlington County workforce. To oversee effective implementation of the Policy, the County Board created an Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee as a standing committee of the Arlington Human Rights Commission.
The committee is composed of five, seven, nine or 11 members – this number is determined by the Human Rights Commission at the beginning of each calendar year. The Vice-Chair of the Human Rights Commission chairs the committee. The majority of Committee members must be members of the Human Rights Commission, and the balance is employees appointed by the Arlington County Manager.
Office of Human Rights
Office of Human Rights 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 703-228-3929 Email
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