Housing Commission Members


Kellen MacBeth, Chair  

Nikki Blake

Elizabeth Escovar

Michael Hemminger 

Zackary Linick

Margaret McGilvray

Anika Montgomery

Danny Ross

Sara Rubalcava

Jason Schwartz

Karen Serfis

Joseph Ventrone

Katie Wenger


The Housing Commission has 13 members comprised of at least:

  • 1 representative of tenant interests
  • 1 representative of developer, builder, and/or real estate interests
  • 1 representative of neighborhood interests
  • 1 representative of community-wide nonprofit agencies
  • 1 representative of at-large County Board appointments

Member Monthly Time Commitment

Because affordable housing is a major priority in Arlington, the workload of the Housing Commission has increased. In addition to attending the regularly scheduled monthly Commission meetings, members are appointed to one or more subcommittees and/or special projects. To ensure affordable housing is included in the housing development process, members are also assigned as the primary or secondary Housing Commission representative to track a site plan and update the Commission on its progress and completion.