FY 2022 Adopted Budget

Read the FY 2022 Adopted All-in-One Budget(PDF, 13MB)

On April 20, 2021, The Arlington County Board adopted a $1.4 billion balanced General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2022.

The Board voted 5 to 0 to adopt the budget. The Adopted Budget leaves the base real estate tax rate at $1.013 per $100 of assessed property value while investing in ongoing COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts, housing affordability, sustainability and effective changes towards improved crisis response and equity, among other priorities.

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the County continues to feel the economic impacts, entering the FY 2022 budget process with a $26 million budget shortfall due to falling revenue and heavy impacts on the County’s commercial and business properties.

The adopted budget sets aside $17.5 million in a COVID-19 contingency fund from the federal American Rescue Plan for vaccine distribution, testing and contact tracing, emergency rental assistance and eviction prevention, emergency service needs and food assistance, personal protective equipment and cleaning, and support for the County’s business community.

The adopted budget includes funding in FY 2022 that makes investments in Community Priorities, Stormwater, and the County Employment Workforce. For a quick summary of the adopted budget please refer to the Adopted Budget Press Release.

Comments about the Adopted Budget? Submit your feedback to the County Board.

Related Documents

FY 2022 Adopted Budget by Section

Guide to Reading the Budget(PDF, 775KB)

County Board Chair Message(PDF, 251KB)

Arlington County Profile(PDF, 1MB)

Budget Summaries(PDF, 1MB)

  • County Budget Resolution
  • Budget Decisions
  • FY 2022 Adopted Budget Reductions & Realignments
  • Expenditure Summary (All Funds)
  • All Funds Revenue and Expenditure Detail
  • General Fund Summary
  • General Fund Expenditure and Revenue Pie Charts
  • County Government Summary
  • Expenditure Comparison
  • Adopted Budget Position Changes

Compensation Summary(PDF, 918KB)

  • Budgeted Compensation – General Fund and All Funds
  • Pay Enhancements, Retirement Rates, and Health Insurance Rates

Revenue Summary(PDF, 2MB)

General Fund Departments

General Government

Courts and Constitutionals

Public Safety


Other Funds

Pay-As-You-Go Capital Budget and Short-Term Financing(PDF, 1MB)

  • General Capital Projects Fund
  • General Obligation (GO) Bonds
  • Capital Program Project Lists
  • Short-Term Financing
  • Utilities Capital Projects Fund

Pay Plan for County Employees(PDF, 4MB)

Glossary and Appendices(PDF, 2MB)

  • Budget Calendar
  • Budget Process
  • Selected Fiscal Indicators
  • Governmental Operating Funds Summaries
  • Prior Year Closeout (FY 2020) & Fund Balance Carryover Summary
  • Financial and Debt Management Policies
  • Comprehensive Plan Summary
  • Housing Summary
  • Tax and Fee Compendium
  • Glossary