County Board Wrap-Up Media Release for May 2023 Meeting

Published on May 19, 2023

The Arlington County Board took several actions Saturday, May 13, 2023, at its regular County Board Meeting. Those actions included unanimous approval of three requests to Advertise future public hearings by the Planning Commission and the County Board to consider the following General Land Use Plan amendments.

Members of the public will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed General Land Use Plan amendments before final action by the Planning Commission and County Board.

2500 Wilson Boulevard – changing the 2500 Wilson Boulevard Block, following a Tier I Special GLUP Study, from the “Low Office-Apartment-Hotel" to “Medium Office-Apartment-Hotel" designation. The amendment comes at the request of TMG 2500 Wilson Boulevard LLC, which submitted an application for a Special GLUP study for this property and has expressed interest in future redevelopment.

3108 Columbia Pike - amending the Facility Map and Table to facilitate the creation of a publicly-owned parking lot, located at 3108 Columbia Pike. This property was acquired by the County in March 2022 after it was identified as a potential site for a future Columbia Pike branch library and for a potential co-location of County Board priorities, such as affordable housing. In the interim, staff recommends demolishing the existing office building at this site, which is not fit for re-use, to expand parking for lease to Arlington Public Schools.

Sunrise Senior Living Facility at 2000 N. Glebe Road – changing the status of the area located at the northwestern corner of North Glebe Road and 20th Street North" from Residential (1-10 units/acre) to Low-Medium Residential. The amendment comes at the request of Sunrise Development, Inc., which is seeking to rebuild the current facility into a new three- to four-story assisted living facility comprising approximately 85 senior housing units and below-grade parking.

Members of the public can register to speak at public hearings on these items, and registration opens approximately a week before the meeting. Those wanting to participate can do so in person, virtually, or by phone during these meetings and will receive instructions on these options once they have completed their registration.

Members of the public are also strongly encouraged to subscribe to the County Board’s News and Updates service to be alerted when meeting agendas are posted. Board meeting and agenda information can be accessed on the County Board’s webpage.

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