Police Participate in 22nd National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Published on April 05, 2022


ARLINGTON, Va. – On Saturday, April 30, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Arlington County Police Department (ACPD) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will provide the public the opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. This disposal service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Proper storage and disposal of medication enables you to ensure the safety of yourself, your family and our community. Unused or expired prescription medications can lead to accidental poisoning, overdose, and abuse. In addition, unused prescription drugs that are thrown in the trash have the potential of being retrieved and used while medications that are flushed contaminate the water supply. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of this potentially lifesaving program.

Disposal Locations

ACPD Officers will collect prescription medications at the following sites:

Arlington County Police Department
1425 N. Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22201

Fire Station #5
1750 S. Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202

Please note: The DEA and its partners will collect tablets, capsules, patches, other solid forms of prescription drugs and vape pens or other e-cigarettes after the batteries are removed from the devices. Liquids (including intravenous solutions), syringes and other sharps, and illegal drugs will not be accepted. To safely dispose of sharps, Arlington County recommends placing the item in a rigid plastic container, like an old laundry detergent or milk jug, and dispose of them in the trash.

Permanent Drug Take-Back Locations in Arlington County

Community members unable to attend the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day are reminded Arlington County has four permanent drug take-back boxes available. Since implementing the permanent drug take-back program in June 2018, over 8,000 pounds of medication have been safely disposed of.

The public can dispose of prescription medications 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with no questions asked at the below locations:

Fire Station #2
4805 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22203

Fire Station #5
1750 S. Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202

Fire Station #9
1900 S. Walter Reed Drive
Arlington, VA 22204

Arlington County Police Department
1425 N. Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22201

Items accepted at the drug take-back boxes are prescriptions, vitamins, prescription ointments, pet medications, prescription patches and over-the-counter medications. Items not accepted are needles, inhalers, aerosol cans, thermometers, lotions or liquids and hydrogen peroxide. Free drug deactivation bags are also available through the Department of Human Services.

Resources and Services

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, there are numerous treatment resources available in Arlington and through the Department of Human Services. Assistance is also available through Operation Safe Station, a designated safe environment where individuals wishing to seek help with their drug use can self-report and receive services, without fear of prosecution and incarceration. Visit OneArlington to learn more about Arlington’s Comprehensive Opioid Response.


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