Arlington County Takes Zero Emission Buses for a Test Drive

Published on September 12, 2022

ART ZEB bus pilot.jpg

Arlington Transit (ART), the County’s public bus network, is partnering with several manufacturers as part of a Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Pilot starting this month into early 2023. The pilot will allow ART to collect data and assess vehicle performance during actual operation in the County.

Rides on the pilot buses will be free.

Operators will drive ZEBs to test battery performance, range and response to Arlington’s geographic features including steep hills. The ZEBs will be integrated into ART bus service routes to allow passengers to provide feedback on their ridership experience. Test buses in service will have head signs that indicate the route and that passengers may board at no charge.

Earlier this year, ART issued a Request for Information asking bus manufacturers to provide ZEBs for testing. Responses were received from four companies (Gillig, BYD, Proterra, and New Flyer), each proposing to use a Battery Electric Bus (BEB) with charging equipment.

This pilot is part of the County’s continued commitment to providing safe, reliable public transportation while offering environmentally responsible options beyond driving to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Zero Emission Bus Pilot supports the implementation of several County programs, including the Community Energy Plan.

The ZEBs will run on select ART routes at designated times. To learn more about the pilot, see scheduled routes and share feedback on rides, visit the Zero Emission Bus Pilot page.

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