Census 2020: Data That Help Us Stay Prepared 

Published on September 11, 2020

September 11 marks the National Day of Service and Remembrance, and September also is National Preparedness Month. These commemorations serve as reminders of the continued importance of emergency services in the County. 

Completing the 2020 Census is a civic action that you can take to directly impact emergency services and preparedness in your community. Census data help with emergency planning in Arlington and beyond - please take a moment during September to take the Census and make a direct impact on emergency services in the County. 

Watch: Arlington Remembers 9/11 - A Virtual Event
The Census and Emergency Management 

Census data tell us important information about our community and how to best respond when disaster strikes. Data taken from Census responses are used for the Census Bureau's Emergency Management program, which houses information critical to emergency planning, preparedness and recovery efforts. 

In response to Tropical Storm Isaias last month, the Census Bureau created data tools to access population and workforce statistics in real time for affected areas such as Arlington. The Bureau also produces Community Resilience Estimates in response to emergency events, which help gauge the County's capacity to absorb, endure and recover from the impacts of a disaster. These are both important metrics when planning emergency response and relief. 

Watch: How Census Data Help the Nation Respond to Disasters 

The Census Bureau has also compiled extensive data that help track the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include statistics that help identify at-risk populations, as well as business surveys that assist in measuring the economic impact of the pandemic. In the Bureau's COVID-19 Impact Reports, you can view data related to COVID-19 in Arlington, including the population of 65 or older, internet usage, and insurance coverage. These ongoing factors have been important in determining Countywide relief as we continue to cope with the pandemic. 
Tips to Get Prepared 

Arlington County has numerous emergency-related resources available through the Department of Public Safety Communications & Emergency Management. Get started with these 7 Steps to Get Prepared. 
How to Get Involved 

Looking for a way to safely volunteer as you celebrate the National Day of Service and Remembrance? Sign up to help at Census Palooza II on Saturday, September 12 — the County's final Census outreach event as the September 30 Census deadline approaches. The Arlington Complete Count Committee will be hosting socially distanced outreach to encourage and educate people to take the Census. All three locations are still in need of volunteers. Sign up today.
How to Complete the Census 

Completing the Census is safe, easy, and takes only a few minutes. The Census is available to complete until September 30 — here's how to fill out your form today: 

  • Online: Go to my2020census.gov. Non-English speakers can select a different language at the bottom of the page. 

  • Phone: Call 844-330-2020 for English, 844-468-2020 for Spanish, or use these phone numbers to take the Census in 12 other languages. 

  • Mail: If you received a paper copy by mail, just fill it out, place it in the envelope provided and drop it in a mailbox. 

  • In Person: At a Mobile Questionnaire Assistance (MQA) station or when a Census Taker knocks on your door.