Arlington's COVID-19 Response: A Facebook Town Hall

Published on April 08, 2020

Join County Board Chair Libby Garvey, Board Member Christian Dorsey and senior County staff for a Facebook Live Town Hall: Arlington's COVID-19 Response, on Friday, April 10.

Board members will provide a quick update on our community's response to the novel coronavirus and take questions on all aspects of this health and economic emergency. 

Here is how you can participate: 

Arlington's COVID-19 Facebook Live Town Hall 

  1. Friday, April 10 at 12 p.m.  -- join us on Arlington County Government's Facebook page: for a Live Town Hall with Arlington County Board Members and senior staff. 

  2. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can still watch the event live on the County's cable channel ATV (on channel 1085 on Comcast or 39 on Verizon).

  3. You can also watch the event live online at the County website or the County's YouTube channel  

  4. You can also send your questions to the Board members by texting: 571-356- 9267.