County Board Approves Metropolitan Park Phase 6

Published on July 16, 2016

Updated, 07-16-2016, 8:54pm, to correct the acreage of the site; it is approximately 2.81 acres.

  • 22-story residential building is Phase 6

  • Three new open space areas

  • 577 new apartments

The Arlington County Board today approved the Phase 6 site plan for the Metropolitan Park development in Pentagon City. Developer Vornado plans a new apartment building with of 577 units and 9,665 square feet of ground floor retail space.

The building will incorporate multiple rooflines with a maximum height of 22 stories. The community will gain three new open space areas, including the completion of the Metropolitan Park Central Park, a public courtyard open space and an enhanced streetscape treatment along S. Eads Street.

"We have seen previous phases of Metropolitan Park transform this area of Pentagon City from warehouses and parking lots to a vibrant, walkable place," said County Board Chair Libby Garvey. "We look forward to its completion with the construction of Phase 6 and are particularly excited to see the completion of its Central Park for all to enjoy."

The Board voted 5-0 to approve the site plan and PDSP (Phased Development Site Plan) amendment.

To read the staff report on this project, visit the County website. Scroll to item No. 53 on the Agenda for the Sat., July 16 County Board Meeting.

Pentagon City's thriving mixed-use environment

The Pentagon City Phased Development Site Plan (PDSP) was approved by the County Board in February 25, 1976. It provided planning guidance to redevelop an approximately 112-acre industrial area into a thriving, mixed-use environment.

The Metropolitan Park development, part of the Pentagon City PDSP, includes 10 buildings across 16 acres that were previously warehouses or parking lots. In 2004, the County Board approved the first phase with recommendations that future phases be guided by the Metropolitan Park Design Guidelines.

For more information, visit the project page on the County website.

Community process

The project underwent a community-based review process that included five Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) meetings and two walking tours. The Transportation Commission and Planning Commission also reviewed the site plan application.

Additional community input was collected and reviewed to amend the Central Park design in a planning process coordinated by staff that included an open house, online survey and meetings with the Park and Recreation Commission. Comments and survey results received during community outreach indicated a desire for specific passive and active use elements, a combination of recreational amenities, dedicated play space for children, separate play space for dogs and shade structure, gardens and unique seating in passive areas.



  • Site Plan #105

  • 2.81 acre site located at 1400 S. Eads St. and generally bounded by 13th St. S. to the north (to be constructed), S. Eads St to the east, 14th St. S. to the south (to be constructed) and the existing Metropolitan Park Central Park to the west.

  • New 22-story building with 574,974 square feet

  • 577 dwelling units

  • 9,665 square feet of retail

  • Underground parking

  • LEED Silver and Energy Reporting

Community Benefits

  • Three distinct open space areas, including the completion of the Metropolitan Park Central Park, a public courtyard open space and an enhanced streetscape treatment along S. Eads Street.

  • $75,000 public art contribution, or, commissioned public art on-site

  • Utility Underground Fund Contribution

  • Streetscape and utility improvements

  • Reimbursement for transportation and parking studies

  • Enhanced Transportation Demand Management, streetscape maintenance

  • Emergency responder communication and distribution infrastructure

  • Affordable housing cash contribution, or, 23 on-site affordable units


1400 Eads St., Inc.; c/o Vornado Residential

Shalom Baranes Associates